Tania Bartolini
Founder, Business and beyond LLC
Tuesday, June 20th
Corporate Leadership and Management Trainer; Business Coach and Consultant; Fractional CEO and COO; Attorney; and Certified Real Estate Instructor.
A member of the Florida Bar since April 2004. A Cum Laude graduate from University of Miami School of Law with a Juris Doctorate. A Magna Cum Laude graduate from Florida Atlantic University with a Bachelor of Science in International Business and Trade. And obtained her master's degree in International Business Law from the Universita Telematica Internazional UNINETTUNO in cooperation with London School of Business and Finance. Tania Bartolini is a lifelong student!
Her vast travels and living abroad have given her insight into numerous cultures, which has translated into a better understanding of business, negotiation skills, and leadership and management prowess. She has practiced in the areas of business law, contracts, real estate law, foreclosures, association law, lemon law, commercial litigation, international contracts, and landlord tenant law, among others. She is a firm believer in communication, cooperation, and collaboration with her clients.
She has served is currently serves as a Fractional COO to Law Firms, creates and presents corporate training workshops on leadership and management, and coaches small business owners on building thriving enterprises and balanced lives. She is a firm believer that knowledge is only the potential for power and implementing that knowledge is the true power. (Tony Robbins) This is the reason why all of her workshops and speaking engagements not only teach concepts, but also demonstrate implementation of those ideas and concepts.