DeLisa Clift

Founder/CEO, Global Business Development Strategist LLC

Workshop Speaker - Leaders Creating and Celebrating Diversity in the Workplace | Friday, June 3rd

DeLisa has been an small business owner for over twenty years. She has started five businesses within those twenty years, and owned a fitness franchise for three of those years. DeLisa has not only been a small business owner herself, but she has helped hundreds of others realize their dream of becoming business owners. Through business development and coaching techniques, DeLisa has watched as those who have been coached or consulted by her start and scale their business beyond their expectations.

DeLisa works with local government municipalities to manage and administer diversity inclusion programs for procurement, where she provides workshops that teach the many facets of business development; and how to prepare, bid, and win local, state, and federal contracts. DeLisa is excited when she hears that one of the client's that she has helped has won another contract, that gives her proof that she is working in the purpose she was created for. DeLisa considers herself a life-long learner, and believes that everyone she meets is her student and her teacher. She earned an MBA with a concentration in Human Resources Management from Walden University. She is a certified SCORE Mentor with Savannah SCORE, and is currently a mentor with American Corporate Partners (ACP).